The World Needs More Drummers!

And the world needs YOU!

If you’re older than say, seven, you’ve probably wondered at some point in your life if you could play drums.

The answer is a resounding YES!

If you can make a fist and tap your foot, you’re in. No, you won’t be Phil Collins in a day, but neither was Phil Collins. Everyone progresses at different speeds, but you will progress. You just have to get started.

(And the beat he’s famous for isn’t even that complicated! More on that later.)

Perhaps somebody in your past (maybe it was even you) told you you couldn’t. There are so many excuses. Here now are the

“Top Five Excuses for “Why I Can’t Play Drums”.

5. “I don’t have rhythm”
4. “I’m not coordinated”.
3. “I can’t do my hands and feet like that.”
2. “Somebody told me I couldn’t.”
1. “I’ve got a roast in the oven.”

That last one didn’t even make sense. It’s just a good excuse for general use.

When it comes to coordination, all that’s required is a bit of perspective. You learned how to make your hands and feet work together when you learned to walk. You learned how to dress yourself. (You may dress funny, but that’s for another blog.) You may have even learned a dance or two. It’s all just muscle memory. One appendage at a time.

Here’s how it’s done.

1. Tap your fingers on your right hand SLOWLY, but steadily.
2. Tap your right foot simultaneously.
3. Tap your fingers on your left hand on EVERY OTHER beat.

Beat one: Right hand and right foot together.
Beat two: Add left hand (play all three together).


Congratulations! You’re playing a beat! (Do I hear “America’s Got Talent” calling?)

This beat will work on one gazillion songs! My outrageous contention is if you start there, slowly but steadily, with regular repetition, you will be able to play drums in a band within a year. But you have to play your beat every day!

You will gain coordination for that particular muscle motion, and you will get faster. And as you get faster, it will become easier to add just one thing at a time. Maybe an extra beat. Maybe one less. Maybe a slightly altered rhythm pattern. Take your time.

You. Will. Be. AWESOME.

Along the way you might invest in further study through videos, books, lessons, or just good old fashioned time through practice. Build on what you know one step at a time.

I’m confident if you begin this way, with this mindset, you will make progress. And people will notice!

I’ll have more to offer on, but you have to take the first step.

Ready? GO!

Use the comment section to share your experience, ask a question, or make a comment. I’d love to help you on your journey!

Fairy tales can come true. It can happen to youuuuuu….