Car Trouble?

“Car Trouble”.

The phrase evokes fear and trembling for the mechanically challenged, and sighs of resignation from those with DIY skills. But regardless of your automotive abilities, we’re all susceptible to a potentially devastating financial setback.

Of course mechanical failure is the first thing that comes to mind, but the phrase “car trouble” can mean so many other things.

Whatever it means for you, if given a choice you’ll avoid it like a plague.

The following are the top 20 car scenarios that can all be classified as “trouble”.

20. Ugly car.
19. Dirty car.
18. Just washed your car and it rained.
17. Can’t find my car.
16. Squeaky wipers..
15. Missed your exit.
14. Bird poop.
13. Gas prices.
12. Getting lost in Longview.
11. Making payments.
10. Radio station plays the same songs over and over. (Not ours)
9. Traffic on the loop.
8. Poor mileage.
7. Car seats.
6. You dropped fries between the seats.
5. Amateur mechanics.
4. AC goes out in East Texas summer.
3. It’s filthy, and you get an unexpected passenger.
2. Slow drivers in the fast lane.
1. You drive a Prius.

Every one of these listed items are real life problem situations having to do with your car. And each one smells like trouble. You can probably think of your own. Feel free to enter them below.

If it’s no trouble.

Drive safely.

Love, Mike