Ever see a flower for the first time?

I just did.

Something has happened lately. I’m seeing creation in a whole new light. The flowers I saw as a kid still look the same today. But I’m seeing them for the first time.
I’ve become drawn to nature like never before. I actually pulled over on the interstate recently just to take pictures of the wild flowers along I-20. You name it. Flowers, sunsets, lakes. I’ve developed a new appreciation for God’s artistry. Beauty. Serenity. Purity. Utter Perfection.
And while these scenic wonders haven’t changed over the ages, I have. The differences in you and me today as opposed to 10, 20, 30 years ago are noticeable, inside and out. But the essence of a horizon at dawn is very much the same today as it was centuries ago. God is the ultimate artist.
And generous! He didn’t have to provide all this color, depth and texture, but I’m thankful He did. And He made imperfect human beings to enjoy it. So take Him up on His offer! Take a look. Take a walk on the outside, and get a closer look at God’s inside.