I Just Wanna Be a Blessin’

I’ve been blessed with much. Much health. Much family. Much provision. God gets the credit for that.

I can tell people through radio, through social media, and in person. But what about my actions and attitudes?

How do I react to situations? Do I give grace? Do I listen? Do I offer my time? When people think of me, do they see a “yes face”?

It’s not necessarily important that people like me, as much as it’s important to represent Christ well.

This is especially relevant as it applies to my grand kids. I want to display a grateful attitude they’ll hopefully emulate. I want them to be able to copy an approach to living that exudes much grace and gratitude.

It’s so easy to get things wrong, to make mistakes in relationships, to miscommunicate, to over analyze. This is one of many reasons it’s so great to have Christ at the center of our lives, as a foundation. A place to start over. A place to reboot.

With Him comes wisdom, peace, and perspective. But only if we trust Him, start with Him, stay with Him, and go back to Him.

This is why we uprooted our lives in 2015, simply to be near this third generation. To be present. To make an impact. To give them something they can glean from and hopefully be thankful for years after we’re gone.

Our grandparents did that for Lois and me. So blessed with the opportunity to pass it on.