How to Be an Awesome Grandparent

I’ve only been a grandparent about 5 years, but over that time, I’ve picked up a thing or two.
If you have grand kids, some must-do’s:

1. Tell them how big they are getting .
2. Tell girls how pretty they are.
3. Tell boys how strong they are.
4. Tell them how good they are.
5. Give them your pocket change.
6. Always be ready to play no matter how monotonous it seems or how tired you are. 5 Hour Energy can help.
7. Take care of yourself so you’re up to the physical challenge.
8. Get plenty of rest.
9. Pray for them.
10. Pray with them at mealtime and other times.
11. Take them to church.
12. Tell them Jesus loves them and you do too.
13. Tell stories.
14. Sing songs.
15. Share snacks.
16. Be lenient in rules, but you have to say no sometimes, or I promise it will backfire and could eventually kill you.