
Paradise Found

Finally. A product that fixes everything. With this miracle commodity, you’ll feel better, perform better, look better, be better. Your attitude improves, your popularity skyrockets, and your complexion clears right up! With this magic elixir,… Read More »Paradise Found

Time Away

The weekly routine is loud and consuming. The quiet moments are welcomed, but rare and hard to attain. We are very, very busy. That’s good! We’re grateful for jobs, families, relationships and responsibilities making our… Read More »Time Away

Negative Prices

Everything’s gone up, but hasn’t it always been that way? Prices rise, seldom drop. We’ve all heard or told stories of “Back in the Day.” Like I can remember when gas was 35 cents. My… Read More »Negative Prices

Zacchaeus Come On Down

Despite the fact that Zacchaeus was despised, Jesus loved him, and invited himself over for dinner. Zac enthusiastically accepted, repented, and changed his behavior. Think of somebody you can’t stand. Could you initiate a relationship?… Read More »Zacchaeus Come On Down

Drums are Easy

People think it’s hard. But it’s not.It’s hard to play guitar. Piano? Very hard. Violin? Impossible. Drums are like falling off a rock.Have you ever tapped your steering wheel to a song? You can play… Read More »Drums are Easy

No Problem

No issues, no qualms, no situations. No dust ups, no setbacks, no participation. Nothing to take, nothing to bring. Nothing to do. I haven’t done anything. Here I sit without any pain. No reason to… Read More »No Problem

Why Not Jesus?

    Everybody wants hope and peace. Here’s an answer. I believe it’s THE answer. We’ve tried everything else. That’s sure not working. Why not try Jesus?   What have we got to lose? Read… Read More »Why Not Jesus?

Put God First?

Sure, we say it. We try to do it. Yet we regularly run into circumstances, schedules, commitments, and relationships that take first place in our thoughts, words, and actions. Such angst, worry, and concerns pull… Read More »Put God First?