
Identity Drama

  One of the best parts of knowing Jesus? It doesn’t require a user name and password. Living in the culture? Different story. I thought I was proof of my birth, but no. I need… Read More »Identity Drama

Joy in ’23!

Easier said than done? Absolutely! Painful stuff happens. Some self imposed, some not. No one is immune. Yet, the Bible says rejoice. It says it again, rejoice! It says the joy of the Lord is… Read More »Joy in ’23!

Live? Or Memorex?

  Everything’s being recorded. Whether it’s Christmas, a ball game, a concert, you name it. Phones are up. Get it on video! Capture the moment so you can watch it again and again. It’s a… Read More »Live? Or Memorex?

Best Christmas

  When was your best Christmas? How do you measure it? We all wish each other a “merry” one. So, what makes it merry? What happens? Do you get everything you want? Not just stuff,… Read More »Best Christmas

Thanksgiving Miracle

  Lois can do many things. But occasionally she needs help. Unfortunately, if it involves fixing anything, she’s married to an extremely limited man. So when I get an opportunity to squish a bug, lift… Read More »Thanksgiving Miracle

I’m the Best Driver

  “These people don’t know how to drive!” “There’s a lot of crazies on the road.” “Me? I’m not speeding. I’m just going with the flow of traffic.” We are seldom as full of ourselves… Read More »I’m the Best Driver

What? Me Wrong?

  Regardless of who’s elected, it’s unlikely we’ll change opinions. Even given data to the contrary, we will cling to our positions to the bitter end. We’d rather suffer than be wrong. Why are we… Read More »What? Me Wrong?