
The Generations

The Generations have an odd relational dynamic. The younger tends to take a dismissive view of the older. The older often has a critical take on the younger. How many times have we rolled our… Read More »The Generations


There’s freedom in Christ. I just came from a culture that is steeped in tradition, symbolism, and rituals. Jesus freed us from all those laws. He just wants our hearts. There’s some value and structure… Read More »Freedom!

Talk Text

  It wasn’t long ago we didn’t have talk text exclamation point Remember when we had to actually type text question mark I find myself talking that way even when not texting. It’s a weird… Read More »Talk Text

You Look Like Jesus

  Jonathan Roumie must get that a lot. The actor portraying Jesus in “The Chosen” is very effective in his role. But it’s more than his appearance. His manner is also quite convincing. He’s patient,… Read More »You Look Like Jesus

The Big Deal

  So what’s your deal? You may say, “Family,” or “Faith.” That’s good! Know this. When asked, we’re likely to respond with a big picture, widely accepted answer. But what would others say about you?… Read More »The Big Deal

Choose The Chosen

  Study the Bible. Pray. Get wisdom. Watch TV. That’s right. Watch TV. We’re all doing it anyway. Just remember to watch good stuff, too. Many Christian shows are subpar. The Chosen is done so… Read More »Choose The Chosen


  When we go to church, it’s a good first step in showing our love for God. But the Bible instructs us to praise and worship Him. Here’s our opportunity! Praise is defined, “express warm… Read More »Expressions