
Wisdom McNuggets

  There’s always somebody willing to finish your fries. The best part of waking up in Folgers in your cup. Mom used to say, “Don’t worry about what people think. Worry about what I think.”… Read More »Wisdom McNuggets

I Can Be Such a Baby

Wah, wah, wah. What about me? What about my feelings? My desires? My turn? Sometimes I’m such an infant. The worst thing I can be is all about me. Why? Because everybody’s all about themselves.… Read More »I Can Be Such a Baby

Who Do You Love?

Everybody loves somebody, but mostly we love us some us! Our viewpoint is limited. We can’t fully know others, yet we’re quick to judge. We have strong convictions, but under pressure, we cave. We cling… Read More »Who Do You Love?

Damage Assessment

We’ve all been hurt. We were raised by somebody. They were humans raised by humans. They did some things well, others poorly. They made errors of neglect, abuse, oversight, or something else. All failed somehow.… Read More »Damage Assessment

Thanks, Pete

After my brother Dave, he was my first impression of baseball. Dave played for the high school team. My mom hauled my preschool butt to all his games as far back as I can remember.… Read More »Thanks, Pete

How Bad Does it Hurt?

You’ve suffered a loss. There’s nothing you can do about it. You pray, and that helps. But the situation doesn’t change. The pain comes back. Day after day. Month after month. Year after year? Yes.… Read More »How Bad Does it Hurt?