

  When Jesus was crucified, most of the disciples fled. Joseph of Arimathea, a Jewish council member, and secret disciple of Jesus, asked for Jesus’ body so he could give him a proper burial. Joseph… Read More »Resourceful

IT Guys Unite

I enjoyed an Instagram interview with CCM artist Colton Dixon today, in spite of our time getting rudely interrupted by nagging technical issues. I’m very familiar with said issues, as I seem to have them… Read More »IT Guys Unite

Grace vs. Grace

They sound the same, but they seem so different. It’s almost like there are two kinds of grace. There’s the easy grace and the hard grace. If you receive grace, it’s easy. Everybody loves that.… Read More »Grace vs. Grace

Rock Show

  Decades of bands. Been in a bunch, seen a bunch more. To all bands: As Neil Young once said, “Please take my advice.” 1. Work. Develope your craft. Get good. Easy to say, hard… Read More »Rock Show

Who Are You?

Who do you present to others? Watched a documentary about church scandals. Lots of truths exposed, lots of presumptions inevitably made. The show draws your eyes in like driving by a car wreck. For some… Read More »Who Are You?

January 11, 2025.

Day 24,472. Still thriving, breathing, dancing, singing, drumming, running, laughing, and eating all the cheese I want. I’m blessed. The plan for the next 24, 472? I don’t know. That’ll be Saturday, January 11, 2092.… Read More »January 11, 2025.

Everybody’s Talkin’

There’s plenty to say. (But don’t.) Obviously, we have to talk. Sometimes. It’s impossible to never say anything. But maybe just lean that way more often. It seems less trouble comes from not talking than… Read More »Everybody’s Talkin’


Jesus was apprehended in the garden and taken away. I knew the soldiers were brutal, but I’d forgotten about the verbal abuse. Luke 22 says they mocked Him. They blindfolded him, beat him mercilessly, and… Read More »Words