
Are We Okay?

I stopped to get gas this morning in a torrential downpour. Thunder, lightning, the whole show. A bolt of lightning hit dangerously close. The kind where you see the light and hear the crack simultaneously.… Read More »Are We Okay?

Lame News

“Got the bubble-headed bleach blonde, comes on at five,” (Don Henley, “Dirty Laundry”) They’ve absolutely lost it. They’ve abandoned any attempt to bring information without bias. It’s always the other side who are the “politicians.”… Read More »Lame News

Married for Life

Lois and I have been married almost 44 years. That’s twice as long as I was single. Of those 22 single years, the first five I was a little kid. I don’t even remember. Of… Read More »Married for Life

Fab Confessions, Part 3

It was 60 years ago today…. Almost. The Ed Sullivan show February 9th, 1964, was a lifetime ago. 73 million people watched that Sunday night. No streaming, prerecording. Everyone gathered around their TV at the… Read More »Fab Confessions, Part 3

Birthday Boys

Yesterday may have been the best birthday! After 66 of them its hard to know for sure. But this one had to rank among the top. My morning show friend Carrie, the nice people who… Read More »Birthday Boys

Job’s Friends

  Isn’t it hilarious how Job’s friends said, “Job, can you just repent, get over it, and let’s move on?” After a lengthy verbal pummeling Job finally says, “You guys are terrible friends!” It reminds… Read More »Job’s Friends

January 11, 1958

Elvis was everywhere. The #1 song was April Love by Pat Boone. The top movie was Sayonara with Marlon Brando. Dwight Eisenhower was president. Gas was $.31 a gallon. A haircut was $1.25. Men wore… Read More »January 11, 1958