

What’s the difference between self-confidence and arrogance? Depends if your confidence comes from the Lord, or it’s about you. Many put on a good face, but secretly struggle with confidence! Signs your “self” is not… Read More »Confidence


I’m watching The Beatles Get Back documentary. I’m basically watching them rehearse for the rooftop concert. For all that’s been written, recorded, and debated about them and their place in musical and cultural history, their… Read More »Commitment

Recovering Hypocrite

Hi, I’m Mike… (Hi, Mike) Everybody hates a hypocrite. Saying one thing and doing another. Sweet on the outside, stinky on the inside. Talking the talk, but not… well, you know. Jesus sometimes ate at… Read More »Recovering Hypocrite

The Enemy

I’m my own worst enemy. My nature is to focus on me. But it never ends well. If, with God’s help, I can shift my attention to the Lord, peace invariably comes. Example: Why would… Read More »The Enemy

The Past: Overrated

Plan ahead. Jesus followers know there’s a home for us in heaven. Given this info, prepare accordingly. Love others. Gather treasures. The past is so over. Don’t dwell there. Live for tomorrow.

Thank You

I’d like to thank you for your kindness. Yesterday I posted a transparent yet self-indulgent narrative about the many insecurities of being criticized for our views (mine) and requesting you kindly refrain from responding, unless… Read More »Thank You

Handle With Care

When I post about my dopey opinions, banal movies, or antique music, and you have an opposing view, please graciously scroll past. And by the way, feel free to reflexively roll your eyes and privately… Read More »Handle With Care


Yesterday a friend posted about a bakery selling 4/20 cookies, featuring a funny character with stoned eyes. They were celebrating 4/20, or marijuana day. We now observe a day for pot, hemp products, stoners, and… Read More »4/20