
Just Show Up

  My grand parents were great. I never knew what they did or how they did it. They were just there. A lot. And Granny and Gramps thought I was awesome. I know because they… Read More »Just Show Up

What Would Jesus Eat?

Loaves and fishes? Nuts? Berries? Perhaps. I don’t want to take liberties with scripture. But of this I’m fairly confident. He may have indulged occasionally. But I’m willing to bet He ate right. He did… Read More »What Would Jesus Eat?


Like him or not, our president is to be respected. It saddened me to see the disrespect and slander for our former Commander in Chief. Hate the guy? At least honor the office. It’s still… Read More »Honor

TV Time (or not)

If you were a kid in the 60s, 70s, or 80s, TV was huge. It’s where we turned for appointment entertainment and information. Network TV, and then cable. It was our daily habit. It used… Read More »TV Time (or not)

God Laughs, Too

Every Monday. 3:30am. 85 miles to work. 75 minutes. Nearly all interstate. It’s a sweet ride, filled with music, teaching, and/or quiet time. Almost without exception. 4:45am. Old Jacksonville. My exit. And I have no… Read More »God Laughs, Too

Grab Hold of a Miracle

God is good, and guess what! He loves YOU! Yes, you! He created everything, He knows everything, and He wants to be with you! Amazing, right? Soak it up. Look around. We get excited about… Read More »Grab Hold of a Miracle

Snowpocolypse Postlude

  “I wish it would snow.” How many times have you said that? Clearly, we had no idea what we were asking. We were Israelites, and we got boatloads of quail. “How are the roads?”… Read More »Snowpocolypse Postlude