
Thanksgiving Miracle

  Lois can do many things. But occasionally she needs help. Unfortunately, if it involves fixing anything, she’s married to an extremely limited man. So when I get an opportunity to squish a bug, lift… Read More »Thanksgiving Miracle

I’m the Best Driver

  “These people don’t know how to drive!” “There’s a lot of crazies on the road.” “Me? I’m not speeding. I’m just going with the flow of traffic.” We are seldom as full of ourselves… Read More »I’m the Best Driver

What? Me Wrong?

  Regardless of who’s elected, it’s unlikely we’ll change opinions. Even given data to the contrary, we will cling to our positions to the bitter end. We’d rather suffer than be wrong. Why are we… Read More »What? Me Wrong?

Out of Gas

  It’d been a long couple of days. Lois had hip replacement surgery with stellar results. Doctors exclaimed, “Couldn’t have gone better!” The most important thing. Sure there were challenges. Long hours in the lobby.… Read More »Out of Gas

Silent Percussionist

There’s a percussionist at our church. Chimes, shakers, cymbals, and congas all designed to accent the what the drummer is doing. He puts his whole being into it. He has a flare for the dramatic.… Read More »Silent Percussionist

Normal Church

Our pastor opened the service by saying, “We don’t want this to be a “normal service.” First of all: What’s a normal service? We did pretty much the same thing we do every week. We… Read More »Normal Church

Sincerely, Mike?

Best way to start a letter is to end it. When you end a letter with “Sincerely,” what do you mean? Are you sincere simply about the specific message, or are you sincere about …… Read More »Sincerely, Mike?