
Jesus: “Busted.”

  The term implies guilt. He was indeed guilty, according to the authorities. What would’ve been your verdict? The Sanhedrin in John 18 acted quickly to bring any possible charges to get rid of Jesus.… Read More »Jesus: “Busted.”


“To remain stable or continue in a place. To remain in a state.” “Continue without fading or being lost. Live. Dwell.” It was 37 years ago this month I made my profession of faith. I… Read More »Abide

Speak Life

Recently my daughter-in-law was challenged by her sister during a time of grieving the loss of their dad. “Speak life.” It tested me, too. Especially during difficulties, it’s easy to see the bad and fall… Read More »Speak Life

Be Jesus’ Face

We’ve all heard “Be the hands and feet of Jesus.” Doing His work for His name’s sake. It’s almost cliché, but nonetheless important. But it occurs to me we could also be Jesus’ other body… Read More »Be Jesus’ Face

Retirement Preview?

  After a hectic couple days, Lois and I had an unexpected long weekend. Her sudden “dislocated hip incident” erased all our plans, so we spent time together at home, nursing her injury. Is this… Read More »Retirement Preview?