June 2024

But I’m a Nice Person!

  Really? (Everybody thinks they’re a nice person.) Many dub “nice” as the premier attribute. The gold standard. Sure, it’s important. But nobody’s nice all the time. Ray Barone from the 90s sit-com “Everybody Loves… Read More »But I’m a Nice Person!

Change the World

Popped in 7-11 for coffee. $1.96. I gave the lady two dollars. I’m about to tell her to “keep it.” In my hesitancy, she decided for me, “You’re good.” Huh? Momentarily dumbfounded. Wait. In another… Read More »Change the World

Who Prays?

Do you? How? It’s hard! I am a professional non-pray-er. I spend most of my time not praying. Oh, I pray. But it’s microscopic compared to the amount of time I don’t pray. So I… Read More »Who Prays?