December 2019

Week Without Wifi II

For all its blessings, the Christmas holiday was marked by one notable challenge. No internet. It’s easy to think, “probably better off”. Yes, it’s easy if it’s somebody else. But when it’s you, you definitely… Read More »Week Without Wifi II

A Week Without Wifi

The Christmas holiday brought many joys and sweet times with loved ones. So what an inopportune time for the wifi to go out. Seven year old Owen got an unexpected glimpse of life without internet.… Read More »A Week Without Wifi

Get Back

Got an Unsustainable Problem? Don’t Lose Hope! Get back. You may have a situation with no foreseeable solution. I do. Here’s what I’m learning: Go back to God. Again. Things aren’t changing? I know. But… Read More »Get Back

Christmas Anyway

This Is No Hallmark Movie. This hurts. You had high hopes for the holiday and something spoiled it. Family conflict. Financial tension. Physical distance. A million things can go wrong. When it happens at Christmas,… Read More »Christmas Anyway

Jesus is Funny.

The more I read the gospels, the more relatable Jesus is. He’s God, but he’s human. So surely he laughed, right? Watch a little kid. Soon you’ll smile. He can’t keep his shoes tied to… Read More »Jesus is Funny.

Hello Twenties!

2020?!?! 2010 seems like yesterday! Especially if you’ve seen a few decades now. (Or quite a few!) Years fly by. Aspire to greatness in the twenties? We offer 6 suggestions. 1* Take a walk –… Read More »Hello Twenties!