January 2019

Baseball Makes Me Cry

And I don’t know why. Every year it’s the same thing. Christmas ends, and January brings a cold post-holiday void that feels… well… cold. But never fear! Right around the corner is the hope of… Read More »Baseball Makes Me Cry

The Right to Be Wrong

If you think you’re above correction, stop reading this right now. Of course you don’t. But we all tend to think we’re basically good. If criticized, our “go-to” mode is “I’m okay”. Or “It’s not… Read More »The Right to Be Wrong

10 am Lunch?

10 am. Time for lunch! Too early you say? When you eat breakfast at 4am it isn’t! I work an early shift on a morning radio show. So by the time I get off the… Read More »10 am Lunch?

Top 5 Drummer Jokes

We love great drummers because great drummers make great bands even greater. It’s also been said “I’d rather have no drummer than a bad drummer.” In that spirit, we also like to make drummers the… Read More »Top 5 Drummer Jokes


When you’re a kid, playing army, mud ball fights, or one on one basketball, there comes a point when there’s a clear winner. The opposing side must, willingly or not, acknowledge defeat and surrender. But… Read More »Surrender